God’s Presence


Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.
Ephesians‬ ‭3:12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This is a powerful verse that reminds us that we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence because of Christ and our faith in Him. This is a privilege that was not available to people in the Old Testament, who had to approach God through a priest and with a sacrifice.

But because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, we now have direct access to God. We can come to Him with all of our needs, our fears, and our doubts. We can come to Him just as we are, knowing that He loves us and that He wants to be in relationship with us.

This boldness and confidence is not something that we earn. It is a gift that we receive from God through faith in Christ. When we put our faith in Christ, we are forgiven of our sins and we are adopted into God's family. We become His children and we have the right to approach Him as our Father.

Here are some ways that we can experience this boldness and confidence in God's presence:

• Spend time with God in prayer and Bible study. The more time we spend with God, the more we will get to know Him and the more confident we will become in His love and grace.

• Remember God's promises. When we are feeling afraid or insecure, we can remind ourselves of God's promises. He has promised to be with us always, to love us unconditionally, and to forgive us of our sins.

• Meditate on the cross of Christ. When we meditate on the cross of Christ, we are reminded of the great love that He has for us. He was willing to die for us, so that we could have eternal life.

• Be obedient to God's commands. When we obey God's commands, we are showing Him that we trust Him and that we love Him. This obedience gives us a sense of peace and confidence.

When we come to God boldly and confidently, we are able to experience His love, grace, and peace in a deeper way. We are also able to receive His wisdom and guidance for our lives.

So, let us encourage ourselves today to come to God boldly and confidently. He is our loving Father and He wants to be in a close relationship with us.

In summary:

• Because of Christ and our faith in Him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God's presence.

• This is a privilege that was not available to people in the Old Testament.

• This boldness and confidence is a gift that we receive from God through faith in Christ.

• We can experience this boldness and confidence by spending time with God in prayer and Bible study, remembering God's promises, meditating on the cross of Christ, and being obedient to God's commands.

• When we come to God boldly and confidently, we are able to experience His love, grace, peace, wisdom, and guidance in a deeper way.

In olosing:

• God is our loving Father and He wants to be in a close relationship with us.


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