Private Purity leads to Public Power


"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God" (Matthew 5:8).

Private purity is the quality of being free from sin, corruption, or anything that defiles or dishonors God. It is a personal and inward commitment to obey God's commands and follow His will. Public power is the ability to influence others, to lead them, to serve them, and to glorify God through one's words and actions. It is an outward and visible manifestation of God's grace and authority.

The relationship between private purity and public power is one of cause and effect. Private purity is the source of public power, because it enables one to have a close and intimate relationship with God, who is the ultimate source of all power. When one is pure in heart, one can see God, hear His voice, and receive His guidance and blessing. When one is pure in motive, one can act with integrity, honesty, and humility, and avoid the pitfalls of pride, greed, and selfishness. When one is pure in conduct, one can demonstrate love, kindness, and mercy, and avoid the evils of hatred, violence, and injustice.

Private purity is not only the source of public power, but also the safeguard of it. Public power can be easily corrupted or misused, if one is not careful to maintain one's purity. History is full of examples of leaders who started well, but ended badly, because they compromised their purity and fell into sin. Private purity protects one from the temptations and pressures that come with public power, and helps one to use it wisely and faithfully, for God's glory and not one's own.

Therefore, private purity is essential for anyone who wants to have a powerful impact for Christ in the world, whether in the family, the workplace, the community, or the church. As Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God" (Matthew 5:8). And as Paul wrote, "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power" (1 Corinthians 4:20). Let us, then, pursue private purity, so that we may have public power, and use it for God's purposes and praise.


Lord, we thank You for the gift of private purity, which enables us to have a close and intimate relationship with You, the ultimate source of all power. We ask You to help us to keep our hearts pure, our motives pure, and our conduct pure, so that we may see You, hear You, and follow You in all that we do.

Lord, we thank You for the opportunity of public power, which enables us to influence others, to lead them, to serve them, and to glorify You through our words and actions. We ask You to help us to use our power wisely and faithfully, for Your glory and not our own.

Lord, we thank You for the challenge of private purity and public power, which enables us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of You, the only true God. We ask You to help us to pursue private purity, so that we may have public power, and use it for Your purposes and praise.

In Jesus' name we pray,


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