Seeing His Face


I am innocent, Lord, and I will see your face! When I awake, all I want is to see you as you are.
Psalms‬ ‭17:15‬ ‭CEV‬‬

The verse Psalms 17:15 is part of a prayer of David, who was persecuted by his enemies and appealed to God for justice and protection. In contrast to the wicked who were satisfied with the pleasures and riches of this world, David expressed his longing for God and his hope of seeing him in the future.

The verse begins with a declaration of innocence: "I am innocent, Lord". David claimed that he had kept himself from sin and violence, and that he had followed God's ways faithfully. He also asked God to examine his heart and prove his integrity (Psalms 17:3). He was confident that God would vindicate him and deliver him from his troubles.

The verse then continues with a statement of expectation: "and I will see your face!" David looked forward to the day when he would behold God's face in righteousness. This means that he would enjoy God's presence and favor, and that he would be conformed to God's character and will. He believed that God would reward him for his faithfulness and grant him eternal life.

The verse ends with a expression of desire: "When I awake, all I want is to see you as you are." David used the metaphor of awaking to describe his resurrection from the dead. He anticipated that when he rose from the grave, he would see God as he is, and not as through a glass darkly. He also declared that his ultimate satisfaction and happiness was in God alone, and not in anything else.

The verse Psalms 17:15 reveals David's trust in God, his hope of heaven, and his love for God. It also challenges us to examine our own hearts and lives, and to ask ourselves: Are we innocent before God? Do we long to see his face? Is he our greatest treasure and joy? If not, we need to repent of our sins and seek his grace, so that we may also say with David: "I am innocent, Lord, and I will see your face! When I awake, all I want is to see you as you are."


Lord, I thank you for your grace and mercy that have cleansed me from all my sins.

I thank you for your faithfulness and love that have sustained me through all my trials.

I thank you for your promise and hope that have filled me with joy and peace.

Lord, I long to see your face and to be with you forever. I long to behold your glory and to worship you in spirit and truth. I long to know you as you are and to be transformed into your likeness.

Lord, I ask you to prepare me for that day when I will awake in your presence.

I ask you to purify my heart and renew my mind. I ask you to strengthen my faith and increase my love. I ask you to guide my steps and protect my soul.

Lord, you are my life and my salvation. You are my treasure and my delight. You are my God and my King.




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