God’s Glory


For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord.
Habakkuk‬ ‭2:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Nestled within Habakkuk's prophetic pronouncements lies a verse of breathtaking scope and promise: "For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the Lord." (Habakkuk 2:14, NLT). This image, vast and vibrant, paints a picture of a future awash in divine revelation, where God's majesty pervades the planet like the ocean filling its basin.

From Doubt to Dazzling Promise:

Habakkuk's book unfolds like a rollercoaster of emotions. The prophet grapples with questions of justice and God's seeming silence amidst the rampant injustice of his time. He cries out, pleading for answers and understanding. Yet, amidst the darkness, this verse bursts forth like a sunrise, offering a glimpse of a future so radiant it eclipses the present pain.

Understanding the Imagery:

The comparison to the ocean is deliberate and powerful. The vastness of the sea speaks to the universality of God's glory. No corner of the earth will be untouched, no mind unawakened. Just as the ocean's depths teem with life, this awareness of God will be a dynamic, enriching presence, transforming hearts and landscapes alike.

The Nature of the Glory:

This "glory" is not merely spectacle or grandeur. It's the revelation of God's character – His love, justice, faithfulness, and power. It's the unveiling of His purpose and plan for creation. It's an encounter with the divine that ignites transformation and fuels hope.

Implications for Us:

This promise begs the question: how do we participate in this sea of glory? Perhaps it begins with a personal encounter with God, an opening of our hearts and minds to the reality of His presence. It might involve sharing this awareness with others, becoming vessels of light amidst the darkness. And ultimately, it's about aligning our lives with the rhythms of His kingdom, letting His glory flow through us and impact the world around us.

A Future Full of Hope:

In a world often shrouded in shadows, Habakkuk 2:14 offers a beacon of hope. It's a reminder that God's plan for humanity is grander than our present struggles. It's a promise that the tide of His glory will rise, washing over every corner of the earth, leaving behind a world transformed by the radiant awareness of His presence. So let us open our hearts and minds to this breathtaking promise, allowing it to shape our present and fuel our hope for the future, where the knowledge of God's glory will truly cover the earth like the waters cover the sea.


O Glorious Lord,

Your promise echoes like a rolling wave upon my soul, filling us with awe and anticipation. "For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of your glory," (Habakkuk 2:14).

We pray for a world bathed in your radiant light, where every heart shimmers with the reflection of your majesty. No darkness remains, no corner untouched by the knowledge of your love, your power, your grace.

As the boundless ocean embraces every coast, let your glory wash over us, Lord. Open our eyes to see your fingerprints in the tapestry of creation, your whispers in the rustle of leaves, your song in the chorus of birds.

May this awareness overflow from our heart, like a spring feeding a thirsty land. Grant us the wisdom to share your light, to become a beacon guiding others towards your shores. Let your glory ripple through our words, our actions, our very being.

Fill us, Lord, and fill the earth, with the radiant tide of your presence.




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