Be Gentle and Humble


Key Verse:

• "They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone." (Titus 3:2)

Main Points:

• Christians are called to be people of peace and gentleness.

• We should avoid speaking evil of others and engaging in arguments or disputes.

• Instead, we should be humble and kind to everyone, even those who are difficult to love.


• We are all called to be ambassadors of Christ, and our words and actions should reflect His love and grace.

• Kindness and humility are not signs of weakness; they are signs of strength and maturity.

• When we show true humility to others, we are not only building up others but also ourselves.

Additional Notes:

• The word "slander" in the Greek text means to "speak evil of" or to "malign."

• The word "quarreling" in the Greek text means to "engage in a dispute" or to "fight."

• The word "gentle" in the Greek text means to be "meek" or "humble."

• The word "true humility" in the Greek text means to have "a humble mind" or to be "unassuming."

Reflection Questions:

• How can I better avoid speaking evil of others?

• What steps can I take to be more gentle and humble in my interactions with others?

• How can I show true humility to everyone, even those who are difficult to love?


Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you today seeking your guidance and wisdom as I reflect on the words of Titus 3:2. You call us to be people of peace and gentleness, to avoid slander and quarreling, and to instead embrace humility and kindness.

Lord, I confess that I have not always lived up to your calling. I have spoken harshly about others, engaged in pointless arguments, and let my pride get in the way of showing true humility.

Forgive me, Father, for my shortcomings. I long to be a person who reflects your love and grace in all that I do. Help me to bridle my tongue, to tame my temper, and to approach every situation with a humble heart.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I may be a conduit of your peace and gentleness. Teach me to see others through your eyes, with compassion and understanding. Grant me the strength to resist the urge to gossip or complain, and instead to offer words of encouragement and kindness.

May my interactions with others be marked by humility and respect, even when faced with disagreement or opposition. Help me to remember that true humility is not about denying my worth, but about recognizing that my worth comes from you alone.

Lord, transform me into a person who embodies your love, grace, and humility. May my words and actions bring peace and unity to those around me, and may your glory be reflected in all that I do.

In Jesus' name, I pray,




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