Keeping our eyes on Jesus


And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us... by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.
Hebrews‬ ‭12:1‭-‬2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Hebrews 12:1-2 explodes onto the page like a starting pistol. It's a powerful image, picturing life not as a leisurely stroll, but as a demanding yet exhilarating marathon, with Christ as our guide and inspiration.

The verse challenges us to embrace life's journey as a race, not with breathless panic, but with a determined stride. It's not about speed, but about resilience, about pushing through fatigue and discouragement, fuelled by a deep conviction that the finish line holds something worth cherishing.

But what fuels this endurance? The verse offers a surprising answer: keeping our eyes on Jesus. He is not merely a cheering spectator; He is the champion who has run the race himself, blazing the trail, experiencing every struggle and triumph that awaits us. He understands our fatigue, our doubts, and the siren call of giving up. Yet, He emerges victorious, a testament to the possibility of not just finishing, but thriving in this divine race.

But Jesus isn't just a role model; He is the "initiator and perfecter of our faith." He ignites the spark of belief within us, whispers the hope that propels us forward, and patiently cultivates our faith until it blossoms into an unyielding force. He is the source of our strength, the compass that guides us through twists and turns, the hand that steadies us when we stumble.

Keeping our eyes on Jesus then, is not a passive endeavor. It's an active choice, a conscious decision to turn away from fleeting distractions and fix our gaze on the one who can see us through to the finish line. It's about immersing ourselves in His teachings, seeking His guidance in prayer, and allowing His story to inform our own.

Ultimately, Hebrews 12:1-2 is a call to action, an invitation to embrace the transformative power of faith. It urges us to shed the weight of negativity, the burdens of doubt, and run with the freedom of knowing that we are not alone, that a champion runs beside us, and that the finish line promises a reward beyond our wildest dreams. So, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, step onto the starting line with newfound resolve, and run with endurance the race that He has set before us.

Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Every step, every struggle, every moment of contemplation, brings us closer to the person, the purpose, and the faith that awaits us at the finish line. So, run with joy, run with hope, and most importantly, run with your eyes fixed on Jesus, the champion who leads us home.


Father of Light,

Grant me, Lord, the endurance to run, not with frantic haste, but with the steady stride of faith.

Let my eyes find their focus in the image of Your Son. Jesus, the champion who has run this path before me, tasting every tear and every victory. In His steps, I find courage for my own, and in His gaze, I see the finish line bathed in Your radiant grace.

You, Lord, are the initiator and perfecter of my faith. You spark the ember, tend the flame, and guide it towards a blaze that illuminates my way. I surrender to Your hand, letting go of burdens that would trip my feet, and embracing the strength You offer at every turn.

May my gaze remain fixed on You, Jesus, through sunlit meadows and shadowed valleys. May Your story shape my own, Your compassion guide my actions, and Your love fuel my every stride.

And when fatigue threatens to pull me down, remind me, Lord, of the prize that awaits – not a fleeting trophy, but the embrace of Your presence, the fulfillment of Your purpose, the joy of a race run well.

Lead me, Father, guide me, Jesus. Together, we run the race You have set before me.



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