Our fears are kept in a bottle


Psalms 56:8 CEV‬
You have kept record of my days of wandering. You have stored my tears in your bottle and counted each of them.

In this psalm, David is facing adversity and persecution. He pleads to God for mercy and protection from his enemies. Despite the challenges he faces, David maintains his trust in God. Here are some key points from Psalm 56:8:

1. God's Care and Compassion: The imagery of God collecting tears in a bottle highlights His deep concern for His people. Tears represent our pain, sorrow, and vulnerability. God not only sees our tears but also treasures them. He doesn't ignore our suffering; instead, He collects and remembers every tear shed.

2. Days of Wandering: David acknowledges that life can be like wandering—a journey filled with uncertainty, trials, and hardships. Yet, even during these wandering days, God is attentive to our struggles. He keeps a record of our experiences, both joyful and painful.

3. Counting Each Tear: The idea that God counts each tear emphasizes His meticulous care. It's a reminder that nothing escapes His notice. Every tear we shed matters to Him. Whether tears of joy or tears of grief, God is intimately aware of our emotions.

4. Symbolic Meaning: The concept of tears in a bottle is symbolic. It signifies God's compassion, empathy, and willingness to bear our burdens. It reassures us that we are not alone in our struggles.

5. Application: As we face challenges, we can find comfort in knowing that God sees our tears. We can pour out our hearts to Him, trusting that He cares deeply for us. Our tears are not wasted; they are collected and remembered by our loving Heavenly Father.

In summary, Psalm 56:8 reminds us of God's tender care, His presence in our wanderings, and His attentiveness to our emotions. May we find solace in knowing that our tears are precious to Him, and He holds them close to His heart 🌟


Heavenly Father,

You who collect our tears in Your bottle, Thank You for seeing our pain and sorrow.

As we wander through life's challenges, help us remember that You are with us.

Count each tear, O Lord, and turn them into blessings.May our tears draw us closer to You, and may Your compassion sustain us.

In Jesus' name, we pray.


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