The act of foot-washing


John 13:14 CEV‬
And if your Lord and teacher has washed your feet, you should do the same for each other.

In this passage, Jesus demonstrates a powerful lesson through a humble act: washing His disciples' feet. Before the Passover meal, Jesus knew that His time in this world was coming to an end, and He wanted to leave a lasting example for His followers.

1. The Context:
   - It was before Passover, and Jesus loved His disciples deeply.
   - Even before the meal began, Judas had already decided to betray Jesus.
   - Jesus knew His divine origin and ultimate return to God.

2. The Act of Foot-Washing:
   - During the meal, Jesus took off His outer garment, wrapped a towel around His waist, and washed His disciples' feet.
   - When He reached Simon Peter, Peter was taken aback and questioned Jesus.
   - Jesus explained that unless He washed Peter's feet, Peter wouldn't truly belong to Him.

3. The Profound Message:
   - Jesus emphasized that He was their Teacher and Lord.
   - If their Lord and Teacher could perform such a humble task, they should follow His example.
   - The act of foot-washing symbolized servanthood, humility, and love for one another.

4. Application for Us:
   - We, too, should serve one another with humility and love.
   - No task is beneath us if it reflects Christ's character.
   - As Jesus said, "You should do the same for each other."

In summary, John 13:14 encourages us to embrace humility, serve others, and follow Jesus' example. By doing so, we honor our Lord and demonstrate His love to the world.


"Dear Lord, just as You humbly washed the feet of Your disciples, teach us to serve one another with love and humility.

May we follow Your example, recognizing that no task is beneath us if it reflects Your character.

Help us to be compassionate and selfless, showing kindness to those around us.

In Jesus' name, we pray.


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