The Power of Faith Filled Prayer


If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for.”
Matthew‬ ‭21:22‬ ‭CEV‬‬

This is a possible piece on the verse Matthew 21:22 CEV:

What does it mean to have faith when we pray? How can we be sure that God will give us whatever we ask for?

These are questions that many Christians struggle with, especially when they face difficulties or disappointments in life.

Sometimes we may wonder if God is listening to our prayers, or if He cares about our needs and desires.

The verse Matthew 21:22 CEV gives us a remarkable promise from Jesus: "If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for."

This verse is part of a larger story, where Jesus curses a fig tree that had no fruit, and then tells his disciples that they can do the same, or even greater things, if they have faith and do not doubt. He also says that they can tell a mountain to move, and it will obey them.

This may sound incredible, or even impossible, to us. How can we have such faith, and how can we see such miracles happen in our lives?

The key is to understand what faith really is, and what kind of prayer God honors.

• Faith is not a blind belief, or a wishful thinking, or a positive attitude. Faith is a trust in God's character, power, and promises.
• Faith is a conviction that God is who He says He is, and that He can do what He says He can do.
• Faith is a confidence that God loves us, and that He has a good plan for us.
• Faith is a surrender to God's will, and a willingness to follow His guidance.

Prayer is not a magic formula, or a shopping list, or a bargaining tool.

• Prayer is a communication with God, where we express our praise, gratitude, confession, requests, and intercession.
• Prayer is a relationship with God, where we listen to His voice, and share our hearts with Him.
• Prayer is a partnership with God, where we align our wills with His, and cooperate with His work in the world.

When we have faith when we pray, we are not trying to manipulate God, or to impose our will on Him.

We are trusting God, and seeking His will. We are asking for things that are according to His word, His character, and His purposes.

We are praying for things that will glorify Him, and bless others, and advance His kingdom.

We are praying for things that will help us grow in our faith, and in our likeness to Christ.

When we have faith when we pray, God will give us whatever we ask for, because He knows what is best for us, and He delights in giving good gifts to His children.

He may not always answer our prayers in the way we expect, or in the time we want, but He will always answer them in the way that will bring the most glory to Him, and the most good to us.

He may not always give us what we want, but He will always give us what we need.

Therefore, let us have faith when we pray, and let us pray with faith.

Let us trust God's promises, and let us pray according to His will.

Let us expect God's power, and let us pray for His glory.
Let us experience God's presence, and let us pray with His Spirit.

And let us see God's answers, and let us pray with thanksgiving. For if we have faith when we pray, we will be given whatever we ask for. Amen.


Heavenly Father,
I come to you in the name of Jesus, trusting in your power and your promises.
I ask you to help me grow in faith, and to align my will with yours.
I pray for your glory, your kingdom, and your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. I thank you for hearing and answering my prayers, according to your perfect wisdom and love.


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