So tell them that the Lord, whose name is “I Am,” has sent you.

Exodus‬ ‭3:14 ‭CEV‬‬

In this passage, Moses finds himself in the presence of God at the burning bush on Mount Horeb. God speaks to Moses, commissioning him to go to the Israelites and lead them out of their bondage in Egypt. However, Moses hesitates and questions his ability to fulfill this monumental task. He asks God what he should tell the Israelites if they ask for the name of the One who sent him.

In response, God reveals His name to Moses as "I Am." The name "I Am" signifies the self-existence and eternal nature of God. It highlights God's unchanging and ever-present character. This divine name also conveys the idea that God is the source of all existence and the ultimate authority over all creation.

Furthermore, by revealing His name as "I Am," God establishes a personal connection with Moses and the Israelites. It demonstrates that God is involved in their lives and that He is the One who will deliver them from their oppression. God's self-proclaimed name is a declaration of both His power and His compassion towards His people.

As Moses goes on his journey to confront Pharaoh and liberate the Israelites, he can confidently proclaim that it is the Lord, the great "I Am," who has sent him. This declaration carries immense weight, as it is not just Moses speaking but the very words of God Himself. It conveys the divine authority behind Moses' mission and serves as a powerful message to both the Israelites and Pharaoh.

Moreover, as we reflect on this verse today, we can draw certain lessons from it:
• The name "I Am" reminds us that God is ever-present, regardless of our circumstances.
• It reassures us that He is with us in every situation we face, offering strength, guidance, and deliverance.
• Additionally, this name emphasizes God's unchanging nature, assuring us that His promises and love endure forever.

In conclusion, the verse Exodus 3:14 holds significant meaning within the biblical narrative. It showcases God's self-proclaimed name, "I Am,"
• which signifies His eternal existence, authority, and compassion towards His people.
• This name assures Moses, the Israelites, and us today that God is with us, offering His unwavering presence and help.
• It serves as a powerful message of hope and empowerment, reminding us of the unchanging nature of our heavenly Father.


Dear God,

As we approach you in prayer, we are reminded of the powerful declaration you made to Moses, revealing your name as "I Am."

We acknowledge your eternal existence and unchanging nature, and we are in awe of your authority and love.

Just as you sent Moses to deliver the Israelites from bondage, we ask that you send us on a mission to bring freedom, hope, and love to those around us.

Fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we may boldly proclaim your name and share your message of salvation.

In times of doubt or uncertainty, help us to remember that you are always present with us.

Strengthen our faith and grant us the confidence to declare, like Moses, that you, the great "I Am," have sent us.

May our words and actions reflect your divine authority and compassion.

We praise you for being our faithful God who never leaves us nor forsakes us.

Thank you for your promises and your everlasting love.

Guide us, protect us, and empower us to fulfill the mission you have called us to.

In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, we pray.


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