Clean Hands and a Pure Heart


Who may climb the Lord's hill or stand in his holy temple? Only those who do right for the right reasons, and don't worship idols or tell lies under oath.
Psalms 24:3-4 CEV‬‬

The essence of this verse is that God is holy and he expects his people to be holy too. He sets the standards for who can enter his presence and enjoy his blessings. Some practical takeaways are:

- We should examine our lives and see if we are doing right, having the right motives, avoiding idolatry, and being truthful.

- We should confess our sins and ask God for forgiveness and grace through Jesus Christ, who is the only way to God.

- We should worship God with reverence and gratitude, and seek to grow in holiness and obedience to his will.


Lord, you are holy and awesome
Your name is above every name
You dwell in the highest heaven
But you also call us your children.

Who can come near your presence? Who can stand in your holy place?
Only those who love you and obey you, those who seek you and trust you.

Help us to do what is right, Lord.
Help us to do it for your glory, to avoid idols and lies and to be honest and faithful.

Cleanse our hearts and our hands, Lord by the blood of your Son, Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life, the one who died and rose for us

We want to climb your hill, Lord
We want to stand in your temple
We want to see your face, Lord
We want to worship you forever




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