God’s Work for Good


... God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him...
Romans 8:28 CEV

This is  a verse that has encouraged many Christians in times of suffering and hardship. But what does it mean that God works all things together for good? And who are those who love him and are called according to his purpose?

First, we need to understand that God's work for good does not mean that everything that happens in this world is good.

There is evil, pain, injustice, and death in this fallen world, and God does not approve of them or cause them.

Rather, God's work for good means that he is able to use even the bad things that happen to accomplish his ultimate plan of salvation and glory for his people.

God is sovereign over all things, and nothing can stop him from fulfilling his promises. He is able to turn the worst situations into opportunities for his grace and power to be displayed.

Second, we need to realize that God's work for good is not always visible or understandable to us.

We may not see how God is using our trials for good, or we may not agree with his ways. We may question why God allows certain things to happen, or why he does not intervene more often.

We may feel confused, angry, or hopeless. But God's work for good is not dependent on our feelings or opinions. It is based on his wisdom and love, which are far beyond our comprehension.

God knows what he is doing, and he has a good reason for everything he does. He asks us to trust him and to wait for his perfect timing.

Third, we need to recognize that God's work for good is for the benefit of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.

This does not mean that God does not care about other people, or that he does not work for their good in some ways. But it does mean that God has a special relationship with those who belong to him through faith in Jesus Christ.

Those who love God are those who have experienced his love in the gospel, and who respond with gratitude, obedience, and devotion.

Those who are called according to his purpose are those who have been chosen by God before the creation of the world, and who have been destined to be conformed to the image of his Son.

God's work for good is ultimately to make us more like Jesus, and to share in his glory.

Therefore, Romans 8:28 is a verse that gives us hope and comfort in the midst of our struggles.

It assures us that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him, and that nothing can separate us from his love.

It also challenges us to love God more, and to cooperate with his purpose for our lives. It invites us to see God's hand in all things, and to praise him for his goodness and faithfulness..


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your amazing love and grace.

Thank You that You are always working for the good of those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.

Help me to trust You in every situation, and to see Your hand in all things.

Forgive me for doubting You or complaining about Your ways.

Teach me to love You more, and to cooperate with Your plan for my life.

May I be conformed to the image of Your Son, and share in His glory.
In Jesus' name,


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