The Secret to Joy


May all who fear you find in me a cause for joy, for I have put my hope in your word.
Psalms‬ ‭119:74‬ ‭NLT‬‬

• The psalmist's desire: The psalmist desires to be a source of joy for those who fear God. This desire is rooted in their own hope in God's word.

• The connection between hope and joy: The psalmist believes that their hope in God's word will lead to joy for themselves and others. They understand that true joy comes from God, and that by living in accordance with His word, they can reflect His joy in their lives.

• The role of example: The psalmist recognizes that their life can serve as an example for others. They want their actions and words to demonstrate the power and goodness of God's word.

• The importance of community: The psalmist desires to be a part of a community of believers who share their faith and hope. They know that their own joy is connected to the joy of others, and they want to contribute to a community of shared joy.

Additional Insights:

• The phrase "May all who fear you" suggests that the psalmist is not seeking personal recognition or glory. Instead, they are focused on the well-being of others and the honor of God.

• The phrase "for I have put my hope in your word" reveals the foundation of the psalmist's joy and the source of their confidence. They are not relying on their own strength or abilities, but on the promises and faithfulness of God.

• The psalmist's desire to be a source of joy is a reflection of God's own character. God is a loving and generous Father who delights in the happiness of His children. By seeking to bring joy to others, the psalmist is emulating God's nature.


Heavenly Father,

We thank you for your word, which is a light to our feet and a guide to our path. We pray that our lives would reflect your word, and that we would be a source of joy for those who fear you.

Help us to be faithful in following your commands, and help us to speak words of encouragement and hope to those around us. May we always remember that our hope is in you, and may we live in a way that brings glory to your name.

In Jesus' name, we pray,




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