Seeking God's Guidance


Key Verse: Psalms 119:37 "Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through your word."

Theme: Seeking God's guidance and direction in life


• The psalmist recognizes that worthless things can easily distract us from what is truly important.

• He asks God to help him focus on God's word, which is the source of life and true happiness.

• The psalmist believes that God's word can give him the guidance and direction he needs to live a righteous life.


• We all need to be careful about what we allow into our minds and hearts.

• God's word is the best source of truth, wisdom, and guidance.

• When we focus on God's word, we can experience true life and happiness.

In summary:

• The psalmist recognizes that worthless things can easily distract us from what is truly important.

• He asks God to help him focus on God's word, which is the source of life and true happiness.

• The psalmist believes that God's word can give him the guidance and direction he needs to live a righteous life.

• We all need to be careful about what we allow into our minds and hearts.

• God's word is the best source of truth, wisdom, and guidance. When we focus on God's word, we can experience true life and happiness.



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