Jesus' Love for His Mother


When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside the disciple he loved, he said to her, “Dear woman, here is your son.” And he said to this disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from then on this disciple took her into his home.

John 19:26‭-‬27 NLT

The passage from John 19:26-27 is a moving and powerful account of Jesus' love for his mother, Mary. In the midst of his own suffering, Jesus took the time to ensure that his mother would be cared for after he was gone. He entrusted her to the care of the disciple he loved, who is traditionally identified as John.

This passage teaches us several important truths about Jesus' love for his mother and for all of us. First, it shows us that Jesus' love is unconditional. Even though Mary was not perfect, Jesus loved her completely. He did not abandon her when she needed him most, but he gave her a new son to care for her.

Second, this passage shows us that Jesus' love is practical. He did not just tell Mary that he loved her; he took steps to ensure that she would be taken care of. He entrusted her to the care of a trusted disciple, and he gave her a new home.

Finally, this passage shows us that Jesus' love is eternal. Even though Jesus was dying, he was thinking about the future of his mother. He wanted to make sure that she would be loved and cared for, even after he was gone.

The passage from John 19:26-27 is a reminder of the depth and breadth of Jesus' love for us. He loves us unconditionally, practically, and eternally. We can always trust in his love, no matter what we are going through.

Here are some other things we can learn from this passage:

• Jesus' love for his mother is an example of the love that he has for all of us.

• Jesus' love is not limited by death. Even though he was dying, he was thinking about the future of his mother.

• Jesus' love is practical. He took steps to ensure that his mother would be taken care of.

• Jesus' love is eternal. It will never end.

This passage is a powerful reminder of the love that Jesus has for us. It is a love that is unconditional, practical, and eternal. We can always trust in his love, no matter what we are going through.

In summary:

• Jesus showed his love for his mother by entrusting her to the care of the disciple he loved.

• Jesus' love for his mother is unconditional and eternal.

• Jesus' love for his mother is an example of the love that he has for all of us.

• Jesus' love is practical. He took steps to ensure that his mother would be taken care of.

• Jesus' love is not limited by death. Even though he was dying, he was thinking about the future of his mother.



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