God Carries Us in His Arms

Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms...Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign Lord rescues us from death.

Psalms 68:19‭-‬20 NLT

The passage from Psalm 68:19-20 is a powerful reminder of God's love and faithfulness to us. The psalmist begins by calling on the people to praise the Lord, their Savior. He then goes on to describe how God carries us in his arms each day. This is a beautiful image of God's protection and provision for us. He is always with us, watching over us, and keeping us safe.

The psalmist then goes on to say that God is a God who saves. He rescues us from death and gives us new life. This is a promise that we can cling to in times of difficulty. When we feel lost or afraid, we can remember that God is our Savior and he will never abandon us.

The passage from Psalm 68:19-20 is a powerful call to praise God. It reminds us of his love, his faithfulness, and his saving power. When we praise God, we are acknowledging his greatness and his goodness. We are also expressing our gratitude for all that he has done for us.

Praising God is not always easy. There are times when we may feel discouraged or overwhelmed. But even in those times, we can still praise God. We can praise him for his past faithfulness, even if we don't see how he will work out our current situation. We can also praise him for his character, even if we don't understand why he allows certain things to happen.

Praising God is a powerful act of worship. It can help us to focus on his goodness and his love. It can also help us to trust him, even when we don't understand. So, let's join the psalmist in praising God. Let's lift our voices and declare his greatness. Let's thank him for his love and his faithfulness. And let's trust him, even in the midst of our difficulties.

Here are some specific ways that we can praise God:

• We can sing songs of praise to him.

• We can pray and thank him for his blessings.

• We can meditate on his Word and his promises.

• We can serve others in his name.

• We can simply be still and worship him in our hearts.

No matter how we choose to praise God, let's do it with all our hearts. Let's praise him for who he is, what he has done, and what he will do. Let's praise him for his love, his faithfulness, and his saving power.

In summary:

• God is our Savior and he carries us in his arms each day.

• God is a God who saves and he rescues us from death.

• We should praise God for his love, his faithfulness, and his saving power.

• Praising God is a powerful act of worship.

• There are many ways that we can praise God, such as singing songs, praying, meditating, serving others, and being still.


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