God gives us Strength to Soar

But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

Isaiah 40:31 is a passage of scripture that promises strength and renewal to those who wait on the Lord. The passage begins by contrasting the everlasting God with the weary and fainting people of Israel. The Lord is described as the "Creator of the ends of the earth" (Isaiah 40:28), who "does not grow faint or grow weary" (Isaiah 40:29). In contrast, the people of Israel are described as "fainting and weary" (Isaiah 40:30).

The passage then goes on to promise that those who wait on the Lord will be renewed. They will "mount up with wings like eagles" (Isaiah 40:31), which is a metaphor for soaring above their problems and difficulties. They will "run and not be weary" (Isaiah 40:31), which is a metaphor for having the strength to persevere through challenges. They will "walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31), which is a metaphor for having the endurance to keep going even when things are tough.

There are a few things that we can learn from this passage. First, we learn that God is a source of strength and renewal. When we are feeling faint and weary, we can turn to God for help. He will give us the strength to overcome our challenges and to keep going.

Second, we learn that waiting on the Lord is important. It is not always easy to wait, but it is worth it. When we wait on the Lord, we are trusting in him and his promises. We are also giving him time to work in our lives.

Third, we learn that God gives us wings like eagles. This means that we have the ability to soar above our problems and difficulties. We can do this by focusing on God and his promises. We can also do this by trusting in his strength and renewing our minds with his word.

Isaiah 40:31 is a powerful passage of scripture that offers hope and encouragement to those who are feeling faint and weary. It reminds us that God is a source of strength and renewal, and that waiting on the Lord is worthwhile. When we wait on the Lord, he gives us wings like eagles, and we can soar above our problems and difficulties.

Here are some practical ways that we can apply this passage to our lives:

• We can spend time in prayer and meditation, seeking God's strength and renewal.

• We can read the Bible and memorize verses that remind us of God's promises.

• We can find a supportive community of believers who can encourage us and pray for us.

• We can focus on the positive aspects of our lives, and give thanks to God for his blessings.

When we do these things, we can experience the renewal that God promises in Isaiah 40:31. We can mount up with wings like eagles, and run and not be weary. We can walk and not faint.

In summary:

• God is a source of strength and renewal.

• Waiting on the Lord is important.

• God gives us wings like eagles.

• We can soar above our problems and difficulties by focusing on God and his promises.

• We can apply this passage to our lives by spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, finding a supportive community, and focusing on the positive aspects of our lives.



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