The Power of Spiritual Warfare


The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and    chariots of fire.

2 Kings 6:17 NLT

The passage from 2 Kings 6:17 is a powerful reminder of the spiritual battle that we are all engaged in. The young man in the story was understandably afraid when he saw the Aramean army surrounding them. But Elisha knew that there was more to the story than what he could see with his natural eyes. He prayed to the Lord to open the young man's eyes, and when he did, he saw that the hillside around them was filled with horses and chariots of fire.

This passage teaches us several important things about spiritual warfare. First, it reminds us that there is an unseen world that we cannot see with our natural eyes. This unseen world is populated by angels and demons, and it is constantly being waged between the forces of good and evil.

Second, this passage teaches us that we are not alone in the spiritual battle. God is always with us, and He has His angels surrounding us to protect us. When we are afraid, we can pray to the Lord to open our eyes to see the spiritual forces that are at work on our behalf.

Finally, this passage teaches us that we can trust in the Lord to deliver us from our enemies. The Aramean army was no match for the horses and chariots of fire that were surrounding Elisha and his servant. In the same way, we can trust that the Lord will deliver us from our enemies, no matter how powerful they may seem.

The next time you are facing a difficult challenge, remember the story of Elisha and his servant. Remember that there is an unseen world that is working for your good, and remember that you can trust in the Lord to deliver you.

Here are some additional thoughts on this passage:

• The horses and chariots of fire represent the power of God. They are a reminder that God is always with us, and that He is more powerful than any enemy we may face.

• The young man's fear is a reminder that we all face fear in the spiritual battle. But when we pray to the Lord, He can open our eyes to see the spiritual forces that are at work on our behalf, and He can give us the courage to face our enemies.

• The Lord's deliverance of Elisha and his servant is a reminder that God is always faithful to His people. He will never abandon us, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be.

May it encourage you to trust in the Lord in the midst of your own spiritual battles.

In summary:

• The young man in the story was afraid when he saw the Aramean army surrounding them.

• Elisha knew that there was more to the story than what he could see with his natural eyes.

• He prayed to the Lord to open the young man's eyes, and when he did, he saw that the hillside around them was filled with horses and chariots of fire.

• This passage teaches us several important things about spiritual warfare.

• We can trust in the Lord to deliver us from our enemies, no matter how powerful they may seem.



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