The Power of Faith


He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous.
Romans 4:21‭-‬22 NLT

This means that Abraham believed God without a doubt, even when it seemed impossible for God to keep his promise.

For example, God promised Abraham that he would have a son, even though Abraham and his wife Sarah were both very old and past the age of childbearing (Genesis 17:15-16). But Abraham believed God, and he was eventually rewarded for his faith when Sarah gave birth to Isaac.

Paul goes on to say that "because of Abraham's faith, God counted him as righteous" (v. 22). This means that God accepted Abraham as his own, even though he was not perfect. God did this because Abraham had faith in him, and because he believed that God would keep his promises.

This passage teaches us that our faith in God is essential for our salvation. When we believe in God and trust him, he will count us as righteous. This does not mean that we will be perfect, but it does mean that we will be forgiven for our sins and accepted by God.

The story of Abraham is a powerful reminder that God is faithful to his promises. He will never let us down if we put our faith in him. So let us follow Abraham's example and trust God, no matter what challenges we face.

Here are some additional thoughts on Romans 4:21-22:

• The word "convinced" in verse 21 means "fully persuaded." This shows that Abraham's faith was not based on wishful thinking or blind optimism. He had carefully considered the evidence, and he was completely convinced that God would keep his promise.

• The phrase "able to do whatever he promises" is a reminder of God's power and sovereignty. God is not limited by anything. He can do anything he wants, and he always keeps his promises.

• The word "counted" in verse 22 means "declared." This shows that God's righteousness is not something we earn by our own good works. It is something that God gives us as a gift, based on our faith in him.

If you are struggling with doubt or fear, I encourage you to remember the story of Abraham. He was an ordinary man who had an extraordinary faith in God. And because of his faith, God blessed him abundantly. So let us also put our faith in God, and trust him to do what he has promised.

In summary:

• Abraham was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.

• God counted Abraham as righteous because of his faith.

• Our faith in God is essential for our salvation.

• When we believe in God and trust him, he will forgive us for our sins and accept us.

• God is faithful to his promises and will never let us down.

• Let us follow Abraham's example and trust God, no matter what challenges we face.



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