The Power of Humility


Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful. Proverbs 16:18‭, ‬20‭

The proverb "Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall" is a warning against the dangers of pride. Pride is a sin that can lead to many problems, both in our personal lives and in our relationships with others.

When we are proud, we think we are better than others. We may look down on others and treat them with contempt. We may also become arrogant and self-centered, believing that we are owed special treatment. This kind of pride can lead to all sorts of problems, including:

• Isolation: When we are proud, we tend to isolate ourselves from others. We don't want to associate with people who we think are beneath us. This can lead to loneliness and a lack of meaningful relationships.

• Arrogance: Prideful people are often arrogant and self-centered. They believe that they are better than others and that they deserve special treatment. This can make them difficult to work with and can damage their relationships with others.

• Self-destruction: Pride can also lead to self-destruction. When we are proud, we may take risks that we wouldn't normally take. We may also make decisions that are not in our best interests. This can lead to financial ruin, health problems, and even death.

The proverb "Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful" offers a contrasting view. It tells us that if we are humble and willing to listen to instruction, we will prosper. We will also be joyful if we trust in the Lord.

Humility is the opposite of pride. When we are humble, we realize that we are not better than others. We are willing to learn from others and to be corrected when we are wrong. This kind of humility can lead to many benefits, including:

• Wisdom: When we are humble, we are more open to learning from others. We are also more likely to listen to instruction and to take advice. This can lead to us becoming wiser and more knowledgeable.

• Success: Humble people are often more successful in life. They are more likely to be promoted at work and to be successful in their relationships.

• Joy: Humble people are often more joyful. They are content with who they are and they don't need to compare themselves to others. This can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

The choice is ours. We can choose to be proud and self-centered, or we can choose to be humble and trusting in the Lord. The proverbs make it clear that the latter choice is the better one. If we want to prosper and be joyful, we need to humble ourselves and trust in God.

In addition to the proverbs, there are many other passages in the Bible that warn us against pride. For example, in the book of James, we are told that "God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble" (James 4:6). We are also told that "whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted" (Matthew 23:12).

The Bible is clear that pride is a dangerous sin. If we want to avoid the consequences of pride, we need to humble ourselves and trust in God. When we do this, we will find true prosperity and joy.

In summary:

• Pride is a sin that can lead to many problems, including isolation, arrogance, and self-destruction.

• Humility is the opposite of pride. When we are humble, we realize that we are not better than others and we are willing to learn from them.

• Humble people are often more successful in life and more joyful.

• We can choose to be proud or humble. The proverbs make it clear that the latter choice is the better one.

• If we want to prosper and be joyful, we need to humble ourselves and trust in God.



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