Wisdom and Common Sense


Proverbs 7:4 CEV‬‬
Let wisdom be your sister and make common sense your closest friend.

This verse emphasizes the importance of wisdom and common sense in guiding our actions and decisions. Here are the main points:

1. Wisdom as a Sister:

The metaphor of wisdom being a sister implies a close relationship. Just as we rely on our siblings for support and advice, we should treat wisdom similarly. Seek wisdom as a trusted companion.

2. Common Sense as a Closest Friend:

Common sense refers to practical judgment and sound reasoning. It's like having a reliable friend who helps us navigate life's challenges. Prioritize common sense in your choices.

3. Protection from Temptation:

The context of this verse warns against the seductive words of an adulterous woman. By embracing wisdom and common sense, we can protect ourselves from harmful influences and make wise decisions.

Remember, these principles apply beyond the specific context of the verse—they guide us in various aspects of life. 📖


Heavenly Father,

Grant me wisdom as a faithful sister, and let common sense be my closest friend.

Guide my steps, protect my heart, and lead me in paths of righteousness.

May I discern truth from deception, and choose wisely in every circumstance.

In Jesus' name, I pray.


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