Prayer for Protection


Psalms 31:2 CEV‬‬
Listen to my prayer and hurry to save me. Be my mighty rock and the fortress where I am safe.

David fervently prays to the Lord for protection and deliverance. Let's explore the essence and takeaways from this verse:

Key Points:

1. Desperate Plea: David approaches God with urgency, seeking refuge and safety. He acknowledges that only the Lord can provide true security.
2. Dependence on God: David implores God to listen attentively to his prayer and swiftly come to his rescue.
3. Metaphorical Language:
    - Mighty Rock: David compares God to a solid, unyielding rock—a place of stability and strength.
    - Fortress: God is portrayed as a protective fortress, shielding David from danger and harm.

In summary, this verse reflects David's unwavering trust in God's ability to save and protect him. It encourages us to turn to God in times of trouble, knowing that He is our refuge and stronghold.


Almighty God, I come before You seeking refuge and protection. Let me not be put to shame, for I trust in Your promises.

In my distress, hear my cry and hasten to deliver me. Be my unyielding rock, my unwavering fortress where safety resides.

You, Lord, are my strength and my shield. Guide me along the treacherous paths, that Your name may be glorified.

Shield me from hidden snares, and keep me secure in Your embrace. Your faithfulness sustains me, and I place my trust in You.

Even when surrounded by adversaries, I choose to worship You. Your kindness overwhelms me, and I rejoice in Your salvation.

Rescue me from the hands of my enemies, O Lord. Grant me clarity of vision, for my soul aches, and my bones grow weary.

Though insulted and abandoned, I cling to You. People may turn away, but You remain steadfast.

I am not forgotten; I am not broken. In the hushed whispers of the crowd, You hear my plea. Silence the proud liars, and let truth prevail.

Wonderful God, You store up blessings for those who honor and trust You. You are our shelter from harm's plots, our refuge from malicious tongues.

When I felt besieged, You answered my desperate cries. To You, I belong, and I declare Your greatness.

May all who love You proclaim their devotion. You protect the faithful, and Your justice prevails against the proud.

So, I lift my voice in praise, for You are my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.



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