Seeking the Divine

Lord, open my eyes to see you more clearly, love you more dearly and follow you more nearly

Seeking the Divine:

In the quiet moments of our lives, when the noise of the world fades away, we often find ourselves yearning for something more. We seek purpose, meaning, and connection beyond the mundane. 

It is in these moments that we turn our hearts toward the divine, seeking to see, love, and follow with greater clarity.

Opening Our Eyes

"Lord, open my eyes to see you more clearly."

The journey begins with a plea—a humble request to see beyond the veil of our limited perception. Our eyes, often clouded by distractions, biases, and doubts, need divine intervention.

We long to perceive the sacred in the ordinary, to recognize the fingerprints of the Creator in every sunrise, every smile, and every tear.

When we ask for our eyes to be opened, we invite revelation. We become seekers of truth, willing to see beyond the surface and into the depths of existence.

Loving More Dearly

"Lord, love you more dearly."

Love—the universal language that transcends time, culture, and circumstance. 

To love the Divine is to recognize that we are loved in return. It is a reciprocal dance—a giving and receiving. But how often do we love God with our whole hearts? 

Our love can be fragmented, divided among earthly attachments, fears, and desires. We ask for a heart expansion, a softening, so that our love for the Divine becomes the center of our being. We yearn to love more dearly—to love not out of obligation, but out of sheer delight.

Following More Nearly

"Lord, follow you more nearly."

To follow is an act of surrender. It requires trust, obedience, and a willingness to step into the unknown. 

We are pilgrims on a path, and our desire is to walk closely behind the One who knows the way. But following isn't blind adherence; it's an intimate companionship. 

We seek to align our footsteps with the footprints of grace. We long to be near enough to hear the whispers of guidance, to feel the gentle nudges toward compassion, justice, and mercy. 

Following more nearly means letting go of our own agendas and allowing the Divine to lead.


In this prayer, we acknowledge our limitations—the veiled eyes, the fragmented love, and the hesitant steps. Yet, we also recognize our hunger for connection, our thirst for purpose, and our longing for the sacred. 

May our hearts remain open, our love deepen, and our steps draw nearer to the Divine. For in seeking, loving, and following, we discover the truest essence of our existence—the dance of the soul with the Eternal.


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