The Power of Prayer


“Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request.
1 Chronicles 4:10 NLT

In this verse, we read about Jabez, a man who prayed to God for three things:

• To bless him and expand his territory.

• To be with him in all that he did.

• To keep him from all trouble and pain.

God granted Jabez his request, and he became a successful man. He was blessed with a large family and a lot of land. He was also a wise and just ruler.

Jabez's prayer is a reminder that God is willing to bless us if we ask Him. He is also willing to be with us in all that we do and to keep us from harm. When we pray to God with faith, He will answer our prayers.

There are several things we can learn from Jabez's prayer:

First, we learn that it is important to ask God for what we want. We should not be afraid to ask for big things, because God is able to do anything.

Second, we learn that it is important to trust God to answer our prayers. We should not doubt that God will answer us, even if it takes time.

Third, we learn that it is important to be specific in our prayers. We should not just ask God to "bless us," but we should be specific about what we want Him to do.

Jabez's prayer is a powerful reminder that God is willing to bless us if we ask Him. When we pray with faith, He will answer our prayers.

In addition to the three things that Jabez prayed for, there are other things that we can ask God for in our prayers. We can ask Him for wisdom, guidance, strength, peace, and forgiveness. We can also ask Him to help us to love others, to be kind and compassionate, and to live according to His will.

When we pray to God, we should come to Him with a humble heart and a sincere desire to know His will. We should also be willing to trust Him to answer our prayers in His own way and in His own time.

In summary:

• Jabez prayed to God for three things: to bless him, to expand his territory, to be with him in all that he did, and to keep him from all trouble and pain.

• God granted Jabez his request.

• Jabez became a successful man with a large family and a lot of land.

• He was also a wise and just ruler.

• Jabez's prayer is a reminder that God is willing to bless us if we ask Him.

• We can learn from Jabez's prayer to ask God for what we want, to trust Him to answer our prayers, and to be specific in our prayers.


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