The Power of God


For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.
Romans 11:36 NLT

The passage from Romans 11:36 is a powerful declaration of God's sovereignty. It states that everything comes from God, exists by his power, and is intended for his glory. This means that God is the ultimate source of all that is, and that everything in the universe ultimately serves his purposes.

This truth has a number of implications for our lives. First, it reminds us that we are not in control of our own lives. We may think that we are, but ultimately, everything that happens to us is under God's sovereign control. This can be a difficult truth to accept, but it is also a liberating one. When we realize that we are not in control, we can relax and trust that God is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

Second, the sovereignty of God should motivate us to live for his glory. If everything in the universe ultimately serves his purposes, then we should want to use our lives to bring him glory as well. This means living a life of obedience to him, and using our gifts and talents to serve others.

Finally, the sovereignty of God should give us hope. No matter what challenges we face in life, we can know that God is in control and that he will ultimately work things out for our good. This hope can sustain us through difficult times and give us the strength to persevere.

The passage from Romans 11:36 is a reminder of God's greatness and his power. It is also a reminder of our own limitations and our need for him. When we humble ourselves before God and acknowledge his sovereignty, we can experience his peace and his grace.

In conclusion, the passage from Romans 11:36 teaches us that everything comes from God, exists by his power, and is intended for his glory. This truth has a number of implications for our lives, including:

• We are not in control of our own lives.

• We should live for God's glory.

• We can have hope in God, no matter what challenges we face.

When we humble ourselves before God and acknowledge his sovereignty, we can experience his peace and his grace.

In summary:

• Everything comes from God.

• Everything exists by God's power.

• Everything is intended for God's glory.

• We are not in control of our own lives.

• We should live for God's glory.

• We can have hope in God, no matter what challenges we face.



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