We take God's name in vain when we claim to be committed to Him but we don't back it up with our life style. A guy says "I love the Lord, He's number one in my life!" Are you involved in any kind of ministry? "No" Are you meeting with Him every day, reading the Bible, daily quiet time? No. Tithing? No. What does He mean to you then? Just words. ISAIAH 29:13 says "THESE PEOPLE WORSHIP ME WITH THEIR LIPS BUT THEIR HEARTS ARE FAR FROM ME."
Our lifestyle can misuse the name of God. If you call yourself a believer act like one. If you're going to call yourself a Christian don't drag Christ's name through the gutter by your lifestyle. Your walk needs to match your talk. If you're a believer you represent God. II TIMOTHY 2:19 says "A PERSON WHO CALLS HIMSELF A CHRISTIAN SHOULD NOT BE DOING THINGS THAT ARE WRONG."
Begin to practice controlling what you allow in your mind. There are just some things you just don't listen to, go see, or read, because you know it's going into your mind. YOU REMEMBER THAT HE IS WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES, YOU PRACTICE HIS PRESENCE.
If you'd recognize and realize that you're never without God presence you'd be a lot more disciplined in your speech, because He hears it all. ASK HIM TO HELP YOU AND HE WILL.
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