In South Africa we are all well aware of the BIG FIVE when it comes to animals, but when it comes to family values, God have His BIG TEN. In Deuteronomy 6:6-7 He says two things about them: REMEMBER them and TEACH them to your children. They are not the ten suggestions; they are the Ten Commandments. They're not optional. God says, you do these things and things will go fine in your life. If you don't do them, you're going to really mess up.

In Proverbs 3:6 (LB), we read, “In everything you do, put God first and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success. “ This brings us to the question: “How do I put God first in my everyday life? Let us look at the acrostic F – I – R – S – T to give us five ways to put God first in our life and in our family:
Put God first in your finances. Proverbs 3:9-10 says "Honor the Lord by giving Him the first part of all your income, and He will fill your barns to overflow." God says give Me the first part back and I'll bless all the rest.
If God's really going to be number one, you put Him first in your interests. That means in my fun times, my play times, my amusements, recreation, hobbies, pass times. I Corinthians 10:31 says "Whatever you do, do it all for God's glory."
If you want God first in your life you're going to have to choose your friends carefully. Proverbs 27:19 says "What a man is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses." Why is that? What does who my friends are have to do with God being first in my life? Because you become like the people you spend the most time with.
Put God first in your schedule, in your time. "Make the most of your time, grasp firmly what you know to be the will of God." How do I put God first in my schedule? I ask Him to help me use my time wisely.
When you face unexpected problems and pressures, when you have a crisis, who do you turn to? God says, "Turn to Me first when you've got a problem."

This brings up an interesting point. How do you know when God's first in your life? You stop worrying. Worry is the warning light that God is not first in my life at this particular moment.

If you want to build a successful life and a strong family you've got to have the right foundation. You've got to put God first.


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