In life it doesn’t really matter how long you live. What matters is how you live. IT’S NOT THE DURATION OF YOUR LIFE THAT MATTERS. IT’S THE DONATION OF YOUR LIFE.
Not every Christian is a pastor. But every Christian is a minister. You were called to serve God and that is called your ministry. Any time you use your gifts, your talents, your abilities to help somebody else in the name of Jesus that’s your ministry.
You don’t find your self-esteem through STATUS. Because you’re always going to find somebody who’s a little bit higher on the pole than you are. You don’t find your self-esteem in your SALARY because you can always find somebody making a little bit more money than you are. You don’t find your self-esteem in SUCCESS because you can always find somebody who’s achieved a little bit more than you have. You don’t even find your self-esteem through SEX. THE BIBLE SAYS YOU FIND IT IN SERVICE, IN SERVING. Jesus said it like this, Loose your life to find it. You give your life away and that’s where you find meaning and significance. It’s in serving we find our significance. The greatest thrill of all in life is being used by God. God wants you to serve Him like Jesus did, with the attitude of Christ.
WE GET SO BUSY TAKING CARE OF THINGS WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE. You’ve got to decide in life, are you going to live for greed? or are you going to live for God? You can’t do both.
What you do in eternity is determined by how faithful you were in serving Him after you were saved by the grace of God. The Bible says this in MATTHEW 25:21 (NIV) “WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT. YOU’VE BEEN FAITHFUL WITH A FEW THINGS SO I WILL PUT YOU IN CHARGE OF MANY THINGS. COME AND SHARE YOUR MASTER’S HAPPINESS.”
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