He wants you to see things and feel things and think of things the way He does and act the way He would. So God wants you to grow up.
EPHESIANS 4:15 (MSG) “GOD WANTS US TO GROW UP LIKE CHRIST IN EVERYTHING.” Babies are cute. But if a baby never grew up that would be a terrible, terrible tragedy. And it’s a terrible tragedy when you don’t grow up spiritually. What does it mean to grow up spiritually? What does it mean to be spiritually mature? It says like Christ in everything. If you want to know what God wants you to look like, to be like, to act like and to feel like its Jesus Christ. That is the picture of spiritual maturity.
This doesn’t just happen overnight. It’s a process. It takes your entire life. This process is called DISCIPLESHIP. Discipleship is simply the process of becoming like Christ. And as you become like Christ you become what the Bible calls holy. Holiness just means being like Jesus.
How does God do it? How does God help me to grow up spiritually? He uses lots of ways. One way He uses is the BIBLE. You’re transformed by truth. The more you get truth into your mind and heart the more you’re going to be changed. So you need to read and study and memorize this book. You need to apply it in your life. The more you get into this book the more you’re going to grow and be like Jesus Christ. That’s one way.
Another way God makes you like Christ is through PEOPLE. You can’t grow to maturity on your own. We need each other. That’s why you need a Homecell.
Your greatest testimony as a believer is HOW YOU HANDLE HURT. Do you get up tight and bitter and angry just like everybody else does? Or do you respond to hurt the way Jesus did? God is giving you a test.
I don’t know what you’re going through right now. But I do know how God wants you to respond regardless of what it is. Let’s close with this verse: PHILIPPIANS 2:5 (NIV) “YOUR ATTITUDE SHOULD BE THE SAME AS THAT OF CHRIST JESUS.” That’s it. God wants you to become like Christ.
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