A Heart like Stephen's

Stephen's Final Words Stephen, a devout follower of Christ, stands before the enraged council members. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he gazes toward heaven, where he beholds the glory of God and Jesus standing at His right hand¹. In that sacred moment, Stephen's earthly circumstances fade into insignificance as he glimpses eternity. Stephen's declaration reverberates through the ages: "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right side of God!"¹. His vision transcends the physical realm, revealing the divine reality—the Son of Man, Jesus, interceding on behalf of humanity. The right side, a place of honor and power, signifies Jesus' authority and compassion. But Stephen's response doesn't end with awe-struck wonder. As the stones rain down upon him, he prays, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." His surrender echoes Christ's own words on the cross, embodying forgiveness and trust in the face of brutality. And then, in an act ...