We all have broken areas in our life. We carry around grief and pain that can be devastating. If we carry hurt long enough we identify with it and become a victim. To escape pain we use alcohol or drugs or we try to control those around us with anger.

As we proceed on the road to recovery we will come face-to-face with truths about ourselves that we have been trying to hide all along.

CS Lewis said: “God whispers to us in our pleasures… but shouts in our pain.” Pain is God’s megaphone to let us know something is seriously wrong and needs our urgent attention:
- What pain has God been using as a megaphone in your life to alert you to your need for help?
- Who or what have you blamed for your problems – either partially or completely?
- What pain have you been denying?
- In what areas do you feel stuck in the pain of your past – powerless to change?
- What area(s) in your life are you now ready to allow God to start helping you?
- What are you still afraid to turn over to God?
- How are your feelings for your earthly father and heavenly Father alike? How do they differ?

Believe it or not, things work better when they are plugged in. This applies to toasters, vacuum cleaners, coffeemakers and to us as well.

To get rid of the pain we need to choose to plug into God’s power and that means more than just believing, it means you need to make a choice.

The choice to plug in to God’s power is where your help lies.
2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT) For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

THE JOURNEY TO A HEALTHY, HAPPY, WHOLE LIFE is not easy. This journey is not one to be traveled alone. But as you focus your attention on GOD’S LOVE and HIS ABILITY to help you, total healing is possible!


  1. Sarie it is so true Thank you for this article !! Continue to be such an inspiration to so many Love it fellow Blogger:)
    alta said: Well I tell you the people in PE are great. The farmers market that is happening on Saturday 31 October here at Buffelsfontein has been forwarded to everybody who lives in PE. It was a chain reaction like you cannot believe! Thank you all of you who forwarded the ad to everybody on their mailing lists. Some of you having more than a 1000 people on your e mail lists. I am thrilled to bits.
    October 16 at 2:39pm · Comment · Like / Unlike


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