ISAIAH 54:8 (TEV) “I WILL SHOW YOU MY LOVE FOREVER,’ SO SAYS THE LORD WHO SAVES YOU.” The foundation for a stable life, no matter what you go through in life, is the unchanging love of God. I know that a lot of things will change in my life. But one thing I know will never change is that God will never stop loving me. If you’re going to build a love that lasts a lifetime you have to figure out how to overcome the Deadly D’s. Every relationship whether it’s a friendships or a marriage goes through the Deadly D’s – Difficulties, Disagreements, Differences, Discord, Disappointment, Defeat, Dead-ends, Depression, Delay, Doubt, Distance, Death, Debt, Demands, Difficulties. Those are not easy things to overcome. But those who survived the deadly D’s overcame the big D – Divorce. How do you have a love that lasts a lifetime? There’s some things that you must never do if you’re going to build a love that lasts a lifetime. We’re in 1 Corinthians 13, It says this in verse 7 “LOVE NEVER STOPS BEI...