
Showing posts from September, 2009


ISAIAH 54:8 (TEV) “I WILL SHOW YOU MY LOVE FOREVER,’ SO SAYS THE LORD WHO SAVES YOU.” The foundation for a stable life, no matter what you go through in life, is the unchanging love of God. I know that a lot of things will change in my life. But one thing I know will never change is that God will never stop loving me. If you’re going to build a love that lasts a lifetime you have to figure out how to overcome the Deadly D’s. Every relationship whether it’s a friendships or a marriage goes through the Deadly D’s – Difficulties, Disagreements, Differences, Discord, Disappointment, Defeat, Dead-ends, Depression, Delay, Doubt, Distance, Death, Debt, Demands, Difficulties. Those are not easy things to overcome. But those who survived the deadly D’s overcame the big D – Divorce. How do you have a love that lasts a lifetime? There’s some things that you must never do if you’re going to build a love that lasts a lifetime. We’re in 1 Corinthians 13, It says this in verse 7 “LOVE NEVER STOPS BEI...


A lot of people think anger is always a sin. Not necessarily. Sometimes anger is the most appropriate response. Actually anger is a capacity given to you by God. God gets angry. There’s some times that you should get angry. Let me give you little facts about anger that you may not know. For instance, the average woman loses her temper three times a week while the average man loses his temper about six times a week. Women get more often angry at people while men more often get angry at things. Machines and stuff like that, that break down. Single adults express anger twice as often as married adults. Men are far more physical in their anger than women. You are more likely to express anger at home than anywhere else. “I ALWAYS LOSE WHEN I LOSE MY TEMPER!” What do you lose? You lose your reputation. You can lose the respect of others. You can lose your job. You can lose a sale. You can lose the love of your family. You could lose your health. It doesn’t matter how well you eat. You may ea...


One verse in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:5 tells us the ways that love deals with difficult people. It says “LOVE IS NOT RUDE. LOVE DOES NOT DEMAND ITS OWN WAY. LOVE IS NOT IRRITABLE, AND LOVE KEEPS NO RECORD OF WHEN IT HAS BEEN WRONGED.” One of the ways that God builds your love is he tests it by putting you around unlovely people. WHAT FORM OF RUDENESS IRRITATES YOU THE MOST? Here are some examples: o People who call you and then say, “Who is this?” Before they identify themselves. o People who hoot in traffic jams that are going no where. o People who light their cigarette then hold it towards you instead of smoking. o People who cheat at the ten-item grocery express line. o People who come from the opposite direction and steal the parking spot you’ve been patiently waiting for. How do you respond in love to difficult people? The number one form of rudeness in our society today is INTERRUPTING PEOPLE. Not listening. It is rude to not listen. It is rude to not let somebody fini...


EPHESIANS 4:29 SAYS “DO NOT LET ANY UNWHOLESOME TALK COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTHS, BUT ONLY WHAT IS HELPFUL FOR BUILDING OTHERS UP ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS.” Are my words building? Are they building other people up according to their needs? Words can build or they can tear down. Words can build a marriage relationship or tear down a marriage relationship. Words can build a child’s self esteem or tear down a child’s self esteem. Words can build a relationship with a co-worker that you’re trying to share Christ with. Or they can tear that down. We have to stop and think: is this going to build up or is this going to tear down? Is this what the other person needs from me or is it just what I feel like giving right now? This verse also talks about don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths. When you think about unwholesome talk the first thing you might think of is swear words. And obviously words that demean another person is going to be unhelpful, it’s not going to be a healthy co...