A lot of people spend their lives in fear (false evidence appearing real) and worry. No-one can enjoy today while worrying about tomorrow.

David is not worried when he concludes the 23rd Psalm with these words: “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Where does one get this kind of confidence? As a believer there are three reasons why you don’t need to fear the future:
· Because God is good and He is Watching over me.
· Because God's grace is Working in me.
· Because heaven is Waiting for me.

Even when bad things happen to us, God will insure that good will come out of it. Romans 8:28, "We know that all that happens to us is working for our good! IF we love God and are fitting into his plans."

Psalm 23 can be summarized as follow:
Jesus is all you need. The Good Shepherd provides: Protection, Provision, Peace, Providence, His Presence (companionship) and Paradise. That wraps it all up!

With this in mind, let’s get rid of all “Future Phobia” and start enjoying life today!


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