
Showing posts from February, 2010


ACTS 20:24 (NCV) “THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THAT I COMPLETE MY MISSION , THE WORK THAT THE LORD JESUS GAVE ME TO TELL PEOPLE THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT GOD’S GRACE.” That’s your mission. Somebody told you. You’ve got to tell other people. We’re to pass it on. There’s a word for this. It’s the word “EVANGELISM.” Evangelism is just the Greek word for “GOOD NEWS.” So we’re to share the good news. We are to pass on to others what we have heard. You don’t have to defend God. You don’t have to be a salesman for God. He says, “I WANT YOU TO BE MY WITNESS.” What’s a witness do? All they do is say, “THIS IS WHAT I SAW... THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME…” IT’S SHARING WITH OTHERS WHAT GOD HAS DONE IN YOUR LIFE. Tell your friends. Tell your relatives. Tell your neighbors. Tell anybody who crosses your path. Tell your co-workers. Tell the paper delivery boy. Tell the guy who fills your car with petrol. Tell the clerk, the person at the supermarket. THERE ARE ONLY TWO THINGS YOU ...


In life it doesn’t really matter how long you live. What matters is how you live. IT’S NOT THE DURATION OF YOUR LIFE THAT MATTERS. IT’S THE DONATION OF YOUR LIFE. Not every Christian is a pastor. But every Christian is a minister . You were called to serve God and that is called your ministry. Any time you use your gifts, your talents, your abilities to help somebody else in the name of Jesus that’s your ministry. You don’t find your self-esteem through STATUS. Because you’re always going to find somebody who’s a little bit higher on the pole than you are. You don’t find your self-esteem in your SALARY because you can always find somebody making a little bit more money than you are. You don’t find your self-esteem in SUCCESS because you can always find somebody who’s achieved a little bit more than you have. You don’t even find your self-esteem through SEX. THE BIBLE SAYS YOU FIND IT IN SERVICE, IN SERVING. Jesus said it like this, Loose your life to find it. Yo...


God’s plan has always been to make you like Jesus Christ. Once you’re in God’s family He wants you to take on the family likeness. He wants you to become like His Son – like Father, like son. He wants you to see things and feel things and think of things the way He does and act the way He would. So God wants you to grow up. EPHESIANS 4:15 (MSG) “GOD WANTS US TO GROW UP LIKE CHRIST IN EVERYTHING.” Babies are cute. But if a baby never grew up that would be a terrible, terrible tragedy. And it’s a terrible tragedy when you don’t grow up spiritually. What does it mean to grow up spiritually? What does it mean to be spiritually mature? It says like Christ in everything. If you want to know what God wants you to look like, to be like, to act like and to feel like its Jesus Christ. That is the picture of spiritual maturity. This doesn’t just happen overnight. It’s a process. It takes your entire life. This process is called DISCIPLESHIP. Discipleship is simply the process of becoming like Chr...


EPHESIANS 1:5 (NLT) SAYS “HIS UNCHANGING PLAN HAS ALWAYS BEEN TO ADOPT US INTO HIS OWN FAMILY BY BRINGING US TO HIMSELF THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.” That to me is one of the most amazing verses in the Bible. That God would want me to be a part of His family. And that He would create me just to keep me with Him for all of eternity. In the entire Bible this is the story of God building a family. The fact is your spiritual family is going to outlast your physical family. Your physical family is only going to last here on earth. In fact, a lot of families don’t even last that long. They’re separated by divorce and death and all kinds of things. But your spiritual family is actually more important that your physical family because you’re going to be spending forever – forever and ever and ever – with your spiritual family. And God wants you to learn how to love your spiritual family. The Bible says the church is a family. It is your spiritual family on earth. The church is going to go on forever....