ACTS 20:24 (NCV) “THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS THAT I COMPLETE MY MISSION , THE WORK THAT THE LORD JESUS GAVE ME TO TELL PEOPLE THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT GOD’S GRACE.” That’s your mission. Somebody told you. You’ve got to tell other people. We’re to pass it on. There’s a word for this. It’s the word “EVANGELISM.” Evangelism is just the Greek word for “GOOD NEWS.” So we’re to share the good news. We are to pass on to others what we have heard. You don’t have to defend God. You don’t have to be a salesman for God. He says, “I WANT YOU TO BE MY WITNESS.” What’s a witness do? All they do is say, “THIS IS WHAT I SAW... THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME…” IT’S SHARING WITH OTHERS WHAT GOD HAS DONE IN YOUR LIFE. Tell your friends. Tell your relatives. Tell your neighbors. Tell anybody who crosses your path. Tell your co-workers. Tell the paper delivery boy. Tell the guy who fills your car with petrol. Tell the clerk, the person at the supermarket. THERE ARE ONLY TWO THINGS YOU ...