
Showing posts from June, 2009


Dr. Leonard Keeler, inventor of the lie detector machine, has tested 25,000 individuals and came to the conclusion that human beings are basically deceptive. No kidding? How can we be honest in a dishonest world? How do I tell the truth? We first have to look at why people lie. WHY DO WE LIE? The Type of Lie / The Motive The cruel lie - You tell it to get revenge. The cowardly lie - You tell to escape consequences The conceited lie - You tell it to impress The calculated lie - You tell it to manipulate other people The convenient lie - You tell it because it takes effort to tell the truth Jesus is saying the real problem is not my mouth but my heart. What's coming out of my mouth, these lies, are really an indication of what's inside of me. It's not what comes out that matters it's what's inside of me. Matthew 15:19 "For out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, lying and slander." Jesus said that what's in your heart is wha...


Six men in Walmer, Port Elizabeth pulled off a daring robbery by ramming their bakkie into a bank on Monday, 15 June 2009. At 3.45pm a red bakkie crashed through the window of an FNB bank, six men armed with pistols jumped out of the back, threatened the cashiers and demanded cash. Having stolen an undisclosed amount of money, the men jumped back into the bakkie, reversed out of the bank and drove off. No one was injured and no arrests had been made. Most of us would frown upon an incident like the one mentioned above and on the eighth commandmend that says: You shall not steal. It's however amazing the number of ways that we can steal. In the dictionary the word for stealing has 138 synonyms. Let’s look at just six ways that we can steal: 1. Deceiving customers by overcharging. 2. Defrauding employers by taking supplies home. 3. Delaying payments. 4. Defaulting on loans. What in your garage or on your bookshelf do you need to return to somebody? 5. Defrauding or deceiving the Gov...


Nothing destroys a family faster than adultery. God says I've given you a drive called sex. Properly controlled and expressed within a marriage it's beautiful and fantastic. But outside of marriage it is destructive and detrimental to your health as a human being, emotionally, spiritually, in every way. The following things can cause affairs in a marriage: 1. Unmet Needs 2. Unfulfilled Expectations 3. Unresolved Conflict 4. Undeveloped Self-Worth Dr. Willard Harley, in his book His Needs, Her Needs. Has identified what he thinks are the top 5 needs of most men and the top 5 needs of most women. See if you see any similarities between these two lists: THE TOP FIVE NEEDS OF MOST MEN ARE: 1. Sexual Fulfillment 2. Recreational Companionship 3. An Attractive Spouse 4. Domestic Support 5. Admiration THE TOP FIVE NEEDS OF MOST WOMEN ARE: 1. Affection 2. Conversation 3. Honesty And Openness 4. Financial Support 5. Family Commitment Did you see any similarities between those two lists? ...


Exodus 20:13 is very simple, just four words: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER." Probably your urge to murder doesn't happen very often, except when you're on the highway. So not a whole lot of you need this message -- you think. - By the time the average child has hit 6th grade they have already witnessed over 8,000 murders on television. - They have watched over 100,000 acts of violence on television. - We live in a violent society. Every 22 minutes in somebody is stabbed, shot or beaten or strangled to death. - More kids die from violence than they do from illness. More kids are killed by suicide that by traffic. People say, "It's my life and I have a right to live it and to take it." God says, "No, you don't. I gave you your life and only I have the right to take it away." The facts of abortion in America are shocking and we’re catching up fast: - 26% of all pregnancies now end in abortion, one out of four; - 30 million have been killed throug...


"HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER, SO THAT YOU MAY LIVE LONG IN THE LAND." (Exodus 20:12) It's no secret that families are fragmenting at an alarming rate. The average marriage last 7 1/2 years. Sixty percent of all second marriages fail. Every thirty seconds there is a divorce. There is no time limit or age limit on this. It just says honor your father and mother. Even if you may be 80 years old and your parent 100, you are supposed to honor your father and mother. The Bible says that the way you treat your older, elderly parents is the demonstration of your true faith, of whether you're really a Christian or not. I TIMOTHY 5:8 (LB) "ANYONE WHO WON'T CARE FOR HIS OWN RELATIVES WHEN THEY NEED HELP, ESPECIALLY HIS OWN FAMILY, HAS NO RIGHT TO SAY HE IS A CHRISTIAN. SUCH A PERSON IS WORSE THAT THE HEATHEN." Is it not significant that when Jesus Christ died on the cross, dying for the sin of the world, one of the things that He did not forget was to care for His...