JOHN 3:16 “FOR G OD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS O NLY BEGOTTEN S ON THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHOULD NOT P ERISH BUT HAVE E VERLASTING L IFE.” That’s the most famous verse in the Bible. It’s often called the GOSPEL IN A NUTSHELL or CHRISTIANITY SUMMARIZED. If you were only going to memorize one verse in the entire Bible this would be the one I would recommend – John 3:16 – because it is the gospel – the Good News – summarized. In fact, you can even see the word “gospel” spelled out. Notice the letters “God’s … only …Son…perished… eternal… life “– which spells “gospel.” This verse explains why God created you, put you on this earth, why Jesus Christ died for you, and how you can have a ticket to heaven. It’s all there. I want you to notice first of all there are 25 WORDS in this verse – John 3:16. The MIDDLE WORD, THE THIRTEENTH WORD IS THE WORD “SON” talking about Jesus Christ. The FIRST HALF of the verse is ALL ABOUT GOD. “For God so love the word that He gave His...