MATTHEW 22:37-38 (NIV) “LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD… THIS IS THE FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT.” God says if you don’t get anything else here’s what you’re supposed to do in life. You’re supposed to learn to love Me back because I made you to love you and I know you and I want you to know and love Me back. There’s a word for this. It’s the word “worship.” Worship is knowing and loving God back. MARK 12:30 (NCV) “LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND ALL YOUR SOUL, ALL YOUR MIND AND ALL YOUR STRENGTH.” God wants me to love Him three ways: First, God wants me to love Him PASSIONATELY. He says “With all your heart and with all your soul.” I want you to love Me passionately. Because He passionately loves you. Second, God wants me to love Him THOUGHTFULLY. It says “love Him with your mind.” In other words, He wants you to think through. Third, God wants me to love Him PRACTICALLY. “Love Me with all your strength.” Your abilities. The truth is that even though God created the entire wo...