We all have broken areas in our life. We carry around grief and pain that can be devastating. If we carry hurt long enough we identify with it and become a victim. To escape pain we use alcohol or drugs or we try to control those around us with anger. As we proceed on the road to recovery we will come face-to-face with truths about ourselves that we have been trying to hide all along. CS Lewis said: “God whispers to us in our pleasures… but shouts in our pain.” Pain is God’s megaphone to let us know something is seriously wrong and needs our urgent attention: - What pain has God been using as a megaphone in your life to alert you to your need for help? - Who or what have you blamed for your problems – either partially or completely? - What pain have you been denying? - In what areas do you feel stuck in the pain of your past – powerless to change? - What area(s) in your life are you now ready to allow God to start helping you? - What are you still afraid to turn over to God? - How are ...