
Showing posts from July, 2009


Today there is an EPIDEMIC OF LONELINESS in our society. Four out of ten people experience intense loneliness.“Everywhere you look, there are signs that PEOPLE ARE HUNGERING FOR FELLOWSHIP, community, and a sense of family. Beer commercials don’t sale beer, they sell fellowship. No one is ever portrayed drinking alone. Always in the context of enjoying each other’s company. People long to be connected. There are many ANALOGIES for a CHRISTIAN DISCONNECTED FROM A CHURCH: a RUGBY/SOCCER PLAYER without a TEAM; a SOLDIER without a PLATOON; a VIOLIN PLAYER without an ORCHESTRA; a SHEEP without a FLOCK. But the most understandable and biblical picture is that of a CHILD WITHOUT A FAMILY. That FAMILY IS THE CHURCH. God does not want his children growing up in isolation from each other, so he created a spiritual family on earth for us. A CHRISTIAN WITHOUT A CHURCH FAMILY IS AN ORPHAN. THE CHURCH PROVIDES PEOPLE WITH THINGS THEY CANNOT FIND ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. So next time you go to chu...


The Living Bible says "IT'S FOOLISH TO THINK WEALTH BRINGS HAPPINESS!" Things can bring happiness for a while. But the thrill doesn't last. The excitement wears off. When you get something and open the package you think, Wow, this is great. But after a while it's not so great any more. You're bored with that piece of art or that furniture or that car. Why? WHY DON'T THINGS KEEP YOU PERMANENTLY HAPPY? BECAUSE THINGS DON'T CHANGE. HUMAN BEINGS LIKE CHANGE. If things don't change we get bored with them. That's why we have a thing called fashion or style. Because things don't change we get bored with them and we have to have something new. Pretty soon you have to redecorate, or remodel or repair or replace or at least rearrange it. Things don't give permanent happiness. I wonder how many of you are still thrilled about the Christmas gift you got last Christmas. You don't even remember what you got last Christmas! Things do not bring la...