
Showing posts from April, 2009


A lot of people spend their lives in fear (false evidence appearing real) and worry. No-one can enjoy today while worrying about tomorrow. David is not worried when he concludes the 23rd Psalm with these words: “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Where does one get this kind of confidence? As a believer there are three reasons why you don’t need to fear the future: · Because God is good and He is Watching over me. · Because God's grace is Working in me. · Because heaven is Waiting for me. Even when bad things happen to us, God will insure that good will come out of it. Romans 8:28, "We know that all that happens to us is working for our good! IF we love God and are fitting into his plans." Psalm 23 can be summarized as follow: Jesus is all you need. The Good Shepherd provides: Protection, Provision, Peace, Providence, His Presence (companionship) and Paradise. That wraps it all up! With thi...


If the Bible is a book of blessing, if it promises comfort, strength, hope, wisdom, joy, power, and purpose; why do so few Christians experience it? The main reasons for this is that because of wrong attitudes and sin in our lives the seed of the Word does not get into the good soil of our hearts and therefore we do not become doers of the Word. Every businessman ought to memorize Joshua 1:8. If you'll do one thing God promises to bless you with success. And that promise is IF you meditate on His word. I found the following acronym among the writings of Rick Warren and it can be a great help if you apply it while you read your Bible: (S-P-A-C-E-P-E-T-S) S - IS THERE A SIN TO CONFESS? P - IS THERE A PROMISE TO CLAIM? Look for promises, there are over 7000 promises in the word of God. A - IS THERE AN ATTITUDE TO CHANGE? C - IS THERE A COMMAND TO OBEY? E - IS THERE AN EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW? P - IS THERE A PRAYER TO PRAY? There are lots of prayers in the Bible. You can take those prayers a...


In the University of Christian life, Problems 101 is a required, compulsory course we all must take to qualify. One thing about problems, they are of a wide variety, they come in all shapes and sizes. Problems are a fact of life, if you don’t have any, check your pulse! Jesus said: “In the world you will have tribulation”, Peter said: “Don’t be surprised when you have problems” but James surprises when he says: “Consider it pure joy, brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way (or you face trails of many kinds…). The reason James can so boldly make the statement, to consider it pure joy when we encounter problems, is because he knows that problems have purpose. He knows that pain can be productive, pressure can produce and suffering can accomplish much. Christians are a lot like tea bags. You don't know what's inside of them until you drop them in hot water. So the first thing trails do is to test our faith. Secondly our patience is developed and lastly our character ...


THE GOSPEL IN MINIATURE: John 3:16 can be called “the heart of the Bible" “God”… …The greatest Lover “So loved”… …The greatest degree “The world”… …The greatest number “That He gave”… …The greatest act “His only Son”... …The greatest Gift “That everyone”… …The greatest invitation “Who believes”… …The greatest simplicity “In Him”… …The greatest Person “Will not perish”… …The greatest deliverance “But”… …The greatest difference “Have”… …The greatest certainty “Eternal Life”… …The greatest possession