DO YOU BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS INTERESTED IN YOUR SUCCESS? JESUS IS INFINITELY interested in your TOTAL WELL-BEING – In your family, career, marriage, ministry, fulfillment in life, and so the list just keeps on and on! Some think He has got the whole universe to run and is not interested in their miniscule problems and concerns. Remember IF IT BOTHERS YOU IT BOTHERS HIM! DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT YOU ARE TO JESUS? He knows you perfectly, and yet accepts and loves you perfectly. That is truly undeserved favor from Jesus. Jesus' undeserved favor will protect, provide, prosper, deliver and bring restoration to you. PSALMS 35:27 “ LET THE LORD BE MAGNIFIED, WHO HAS PLEASURE IN THE PROSPERITY OF HIS SERVANT. ” GOD'S UNMERITED FAVOR IS NOT A SUBJECT, IT'S A PERSON AND HIS NAME IS JESUS. The more you increase in the knowledge of our loving Savior Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross, the more GOD'S UNMERITED FAVOR will manifest itself in your life. It will ...