PRAYER MOVES THE HAND THAT MOVES THE WORLD. We read in MATTHEW 19:26b JESUS SAID UNTO THEM,... WITH MEN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE; BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. So there must be a way that WE CAN LEARN TO PRAY FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE One of the MAJOR THEMES which emerges from the book of Nehemiah is PRAYER. The book opens and closes with prayer. There are 12 PRAYERS recorded in the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah realized THERE ARE MANY THINGS YOU CAN DO AFTER YOU PRAY, BUT THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO UNTIL YOU PRAY! IF WE TOOK 1% OF THE ENERGY WE PUT INTO TRYING TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN AND INVESTED THAT INTO PRAYER, WE WOULD SEE AN EXPONENTIAL INCREASE IN BLESSINGS! Nehemiah is a book about building a work for God, and BEHIND EVERY GREAT WORK OF GOD THERE IS SOMEWHERE A KNEELING FIGURE. All of heaven's power becomes focused on the work of God when the people of God are willing to WEEP, PRAY, AND FAST for that which is truly important in this life. The Jews were being held in captivit...